by Gini Wade | Aug 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
I am very pleased that my lithograph ‘Birth of Blodeuwedd/ Y Genedigaeth o Blodeuwedd’ has been selected to show in the RBSA’s Summer Show. Their beautiful gallery is in the Jewelry quarter of Birmingham,4, Brook St. The exhibition runs from June 15th till July 22nd...
by Gini Wade | Aug 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
I am delighted that my lithograph ‘Red Lady’ is included in Paul Croft RE’s excellent book ‘Collaboration in Practice – British Lithography 1800 – 2022 ’ – a detailed history of fine art lithography in Britain. My recent lithograph ‘The Birth of Blodeuwedd/ Y...
by Gini Wade | Jun 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
I am delighted to have a solo exhibition of my prints in the foyer of Oriel Davies. ‘Printmaker in Focus’ There is a beautiful Rembrandt painting of Saskia (on loan from the National Gallery) in the main gallery, till Sunday June 26th,which makes it worth a visit. And...
by Gini Wade | Jun 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
My lithograph ‘Fish Forest’ is showing in Oriel Yr Ardd, at the National Botanic Garden of Wales. It is part of an exhibition of prints: ‘Of Foresters, Farmers and Fish’ that is an international print exchange, bringing together artists and scientists from Wales and...
by Gini Wade | Jun 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
We Live with the Land/The Land as Other – Ein Bro, cyd-fyw a’r Tir/ Y Tir yn ‘Estron’ I am very happy to have been invited to take part in this research project led by Dr. Veronica Calarco, exploring the varied response of artists to their Welsh environment. A...